Skate America: 08 The End.

=> the end of the first gp.

definately surprised at kozuka winning men's, the rest of them it was pretty "predictable."
aliona & robin wins pairs
frenchies win pairs
yu na wins ladies.

yu na's lead though after short program was !!, a good 12 points over miki and it was a good day for miki too...
kimmie getting a total of 135.92 falling to 8th, 0.20 points behind mira is really unlike her i've got to say. i looked at the results (wasn't watching since i was typing up my chem lab) and i was like yu na, yukari, miki ok that makes sense...what the, kimmie's way down there?
oh...well then i guess like sharon says, she really is a one shot wonder.

just a fyi, moppy please concider cutting your hair a bit shorter.
we love you, and we're estatic that you're hair is shorter than last year..but its just still a bit too long. Kevin Reynold Represent!!

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.

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