Skate America: 08 The End.

=> the end of the first gp.

definately surprised at kozuka winning men's, the rest of them it was pretty "predictable."
aliona & robin wins pairs
frenchies win pairs
yu na wins ladies.

yu na's lead though after short program was !!, a good 12 points over miki and it was a good day for miki too...
kimmie getting a total of 135.92 falling to 8th, 0.20 points behind mira is really unlike her i've got to say. i looked at the results (wasn't watching since i was typing up my chem lab) and i was like yu na, yukari, miki ok that makes sense...what the, kimmie's way down there?
oh...well then i guess like sharon says, she really is a one shot wonder.

just a fyi, moppy please concider cutting your hair a bit shorter.
we love you, and we're estatic that you're hair is shorter than last year..but its just still a bit too long. Kevin Reynold Represent!!

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.

Props to CBC.

=> now this is what i'm talking about!!! WOOT WOOT!
3 cheers for cbc for lining up ALL and EVERYTHING for GPs, 4CC, nationals and worlds!!!!

i remember them negotiating it a while back, and now it's though!! its through, it really really is!!! *SUPER SQUEE!*

so obviously i go check out the schedule, and what' on now? men's short. so what do i do? i go watch obviously.
ian matinez's pretty cute actually =) and shawn's using the same program as last season...and last season i'm pretty sure i said that he's been using the same program for 3 seasons?? oh well, i like the split stop he does so its all good XD

back to watching before i head to my servant team meeting
(3 posts in one day = wow)

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.

Skate America: Day...3?

=> WOW the grand prixs came soooo quickly this year.
or maybe that just because i've been caught up with other things like my knee.
all i've been hearing is, so and so's dropping out of this event which is this many weeks. never really registered that it was like "now".

=> list of contenders ladies:
mirai magasu
kimmie miessner
rachael flatt
yu na kim
miki ando

list of "hey, it could happen" ladies:
mira leung (represent!!)
yukari nakano
susanna poykio

and so the teens battle it out (even though miki's 20 now...)

=> list of contenders men:
evan lysacek
johnny weir

list of "hey, it could happen" mens:
kevin reynolds (if he picks up his act on this QUADDDDD!!!)
takahiko kozuka

results after short:
kevin (represent!!)
adrian schultheiss
shawn sawyer (hell yeah, top 6...)
alexander uspenski
adam rippon
igor macypura
ian martinez (was he even at nationals...?)

=> contenders pairs:
aliona savchenko (LOVE her name) & robin szolkowy
maria mukjortova & maxin tranokiv (never underestimate the russian blades)

"hey, it could happen" pairs:
rena inoue & john baldwin
keauna mclaughlin & rockne brubaker
meagan duhamel & craig buntin (still greiving over val & craig)

results after short:
maria & maxim
aliona & robin (=o but their WCs!)
keauna & rockne
meagan & craig
rena & john
and the rest of them...

=> contenders dance:
isabelle delobel & olivier schoenfelder
sinead & john kerr
ranith belbin & benjamin agosto

"hey, its could happen" dance:
allie hann-mccurdy & michael coreno...?
well hey, its under "hey, it COULD happen"

results after compulsorary...CD:
isabelle & olivier
tan & ben
states again
allie & mike (why are they 9th...?)

=> so pretty much skate america = evan vs johnny (AGAIN)
aliona & robin fights to regain crown
iabelle & olivier vs tan & ben
and the ladies...well they'll have fun battling this one out, states vs asia

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.


=> first anabelle and cody withdrew from skate canada, and then tessa and scott with draws as well ='(
kevin van der perren's out of SA too...
GET WELL SOON!!! and i mean REALLY soon.

Beat Him Once, Shame On Him. Beat Him Twice...Um...Well...

=> so um yea, never clicked in that brian and alban are will both be at eric bompard and cup of russia until reading globe & mail's new fs blog.
lets see if the problem was truly bri bri's blades or if he's just not feeling it this year.
what a different season this would be if alban's now the french ice prince.

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.

Another Bundle.

=> sasha's headed back to hardcore training to prep for 2010 = awsome.
that means that there are more contenders! woot woot!!
i'm sure most of us are sick of mao sweeping through all these competitions with cheated jumps and unclean programs but still comehow managing to come up on top.
really, she has such a big head compared to the other skaters.
back to sasha.
the only thing now though that i'm just a bit quivery about is her usual "not being able to skate two clean programs".
she really mustn't let the pressure get to her. i know it's one of those things that are easy to say but hard to do. no matter how you look at it though; she has the silver lining, been in at least 2 movies, and designs her own costumes.
thats more than what any girl can ask for.
lucks and health to sasha! and remember girlie, you can do it. we've seen a good long and we've seen a good short. just use your ness to smash the two together. =)

=> preaubert beats joubert at french masters. WOW. one of the princes of the quad get's mega stung by the bumble bee!
and then of course, with the ego that brian has, *drumroll* (wait for it, wait for it) he goes and blames it on his blades.
now don't take me wrong, i love brian. brilliant skater with technique and theatrics, drop dead adorable smile, and a doggie named blade is the whole package. but he just thinks too highly of his skills.
don't blame him for it though, i mean if i had mad skills like he did, i would rub it in people's faces too probably.

=> skating should be infamous for the injuries.

shabalin injures his miniscus and then gets appendicitis then gets his other knee operated on all last year. he's back on the ice though now and they say they're good to go.
not too sure if thats good or bad news for tessa and scott. there's more people to compete against, so the better the win. but then there's more people to compete against.

ms langlois has a bionic reconstructed foot.
or so she says. the docs say that its a fracture. ;P
hurt in july, they may not be able to compete in GPs.
so hopefully they'll be 100% back by nationals? or should we give jess and bryce back their crowns.

stephane's saying too that he may or may not be ready for GPs. or at least for skate canada, which means no GPF.
he totally wants to, but a skater's still gotta listen to his own body.

healths to all the boys and girls who are balancing on blades screwed onto a boot.

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.

Bye Bye. Back To The Ice You Go.

=> so E. Sandhu finally discovered that he isn't perfect.
bad transitions = no top 20 on sytycdCan.
maybe i should youtube his old programs and see if his transistions on ice isn't all that there...but then i don't exactly want to watch him anymore than i have to. (even if it is tiny and low res video clips)
makes me wonder though, what would have happened if he DID make it to top 20.

if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.