=> i JUST read tessa virtue and scott moir's article on http://www.ifsmagazine.com/ Yes i know, i'm about a week late but its not my fault that ifs only has new material around once every 2 weeks.
i absolutely love this article! from the pictures to every line written. even though pretty much all the info on there i've already previously know (being such a crazy "skating = my life" crazer) but i just love reading about them for some reason. i guess it helps that tessa and scott are both soooo photogenic.
seeing them for the first time at nationals 06/07, me and sharon already predicted "dude, they are going to go really far if they can keep this up...and scott's a total hottie." and what? after that they're stardom just kept going "Up Up and Away".
their road to 2010 isn't going to be super duper easy though; i'm 99% positive of that. they still have to bypass tan & ben, isabel & olivier, and the "new" russian team. but hey, gotta think about it. even if 2010 is just like a repeat of worlds 08, they still have AT LEAST until 2018...which is a really long time when you think about it...hmm...
=> by the way -> is it just me...or has scott grown an inch or two? doesn't look like it much from this article but it does in the photoshoot with myra klarman
http://relish.myraklarman.com/if0nly On Ice.,
- Mag.
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